Successful 5-yearly Collaborative Review of the PGDip/Masters in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies with the University of Leeds.
We were delighted to receive very positive feedback from the 5-yearly Collaborative Review of the PGDip/Masters in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies with the University of Leeds. The Collaborative Review is the formal Quality Assurance process and an in-depth review of the teaching, learning and administration of all aspects of programme delivery focusing on student experience.
The reviewing panel made up of Senior University colleagues and an External Reviewer spent the day at St. Mary’s House on 25th October 2025 spending time reviewing documentation and speaking directly with NSCAP staff and students.
The review particularly highlighted the impressive contributions from the students and their openness in relating their experiences of the teaching and learning on the programme and its contribution to their professional development. This is alongside recognition of many areas of excellent practice in relation to recent adaptations in psychoanalytic infant and young child observation in the context of the pandemic and developments and progress in widening access to and increasing diversity on the programme for professionals across the northern region.