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NHS England Equality Diversity and Inclusion Bursary available for 2024-25 for students on the PGDip/Masters in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies


NHS England Equality Diversity and Inclusion Bursary available for 2024-25 for students on the PGDip/Masters in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies

We are inviting applications for the NHS England Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Bursary. This bursary scheme is available to students who have been offered a place on the PGDip/Masters in Psychoanalytic Observational Studies at NSCAP in 2024-25 and current students who are interested in applying for the Clinical Training in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy at a future point.

We welcome applications from students from a wide range of backgrounds and life experiences who are underrepresented in our student group and in the Child Psychotherapy profession.

For further information regarding this bursary and how to apply, including the Guidance document and the Application Form please visit the Psychoanalytic Observational Studies page.

To make an application, please complete the NHSE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Bursary Application Form and return to NSCAP by email to by 5pm on Sunday 21st July 2024.

If you have any questions, or if it would be helpful to have a conversation with us prior to applying so that we can support you with the process, please get in touch with

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